Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1 for me, 3 for Phelps

Ok, so I shouldn't really compare my little win to Michael Phelps winning the gold. If you consider the fact that I haven't trained my whole life and all I did was call a radio station. But I never win anything and the other day I actually won 4 tickets to Sea World. I'm pretty excited about it. The only problem is I didn't win the hotel or air fare we need to make the trip possible. Oh well, the tickets are good for a year. We'll See what happens. But way to go USA!! Those swimmers are freaking amazing. They look like fish. I'm totally amazed by these athletes and proud to be an American.


the youngs said...

Woohoo!! I love winning things. I once won a dinner for 2 on the radio. It turned out to be a lame restaurant, but it was my 2nd date with Sean, so at least that worked out! But Seaworld sounds fabulous--you better take your kids there. Maybe you can win the airfare and hotel on another radio station! Go Phelps!

bevany said...

I love Sea World. That is my dream trip right now...Disneyland and Sea World. Some day, right? Those tickets are expensive! Way to go winning them.