Monday, September 29, 2008

It's Here! It's Here!

Hooray! My blog book came. (sorry the picture is a little blury)
What is that you might ask? Well, I'm all to happy to tell you about it. I heard about this company that will print and bind all of your blog entries and make them into a hard bound book. I tried it out with all of my 2007 entries and I have to say I am so Happy!!!! It was fast, cheap, and easy. Three words I love. Now I have a record of the things we do as a family as well as my dumb little rants. My kids can read all about my crazy thoughts and ideas, even though they may not care.
Thank you Lindsey & Paige for answering my e-mails and telling me about this in the first place. Hang in there Jessica, I'll help you!
If you're at all interested, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are You Kidding Me #11

The other day I was flipping through the channels and came across "Full House". I'm so sick of Dora and Clifford that I thought I would record one and see if Bella liked it.
She didn't just like it, she LOVED it. Are you kidding me? Seth and I watched it with her and kept giving each other the same look. Did we really used to like this show? It is soooo cheesy!
Although, I can totally remember thinking Candace Cameron was the coolest!! Did anyone else love this show when they were little?
Seth and I were saying how we remember thinking the show was so funny, but as adults watching it, it's so corny. But, Bella seemed to think it was really funny. She laughed at everything. She especially loved Stephanie and Michelle.
It's so funny to me that I used to watch this and now years later my little girl is watching it and loving it. The 80's really had some good TV.
As cheesy as it is, it seems like they always end with a lesson. The one we happened to watch was about being nice to others.
I guess if she's going to watch something I'm glad it's a wholesome show and not something trashy with Jamie Lynn Spears or something. But if she says "you got it dude, how rude, or cut it out" I'm in trouble.

Sleepover time...well, maybe not

Bella has been wanting to have a sleepover in Claire's room for awhile now, so I finally gave in. She kept telling Seth that it would just be the girls "no boys allowed." (Her favorite saying). She even told him that if he tried to come in she would make him leave.
Bella was all set; story, stuffed animal, & blanket. She was in the bed ready to go to sleep. The only problem.... Claire. She must have thought having her big sister in the room was the greatest thing. She was so excited! She couldn't stop playing and talking in her crib. So after about 30 minutes of playing I had to separate them. Mostly because Claire would not go to sleep. But it was so cute. I love that they have each other and have so much playing. I guess we'll have to try the sleep over thing another time.
I love you girls!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Keeper of the tissues

It's that time again. The time of year when I carry around tissues to wipe runny noses. I hate it. I can't believe it's not even October and I've already had to start. Before I had kids I would always see kids with snot all over their faces and think "how can their mom not see that and be totally grossed out?". Well, now I know. The mom probably did see it, but she couldn't keep up. Every time I turn around I'm wiping a nose, and then half the time I run out of tissue and have to use whatever cloth I happen to have (yes, sometimes that means my shirt or theirs. It's gross I know) I seriously feel like a human tissue most of the time. All I can hope for is a fast winter with very few colds.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No more Oprah for me

A few nights ago I decided to catch up on some episodes of Oprah that I had recorded. This turned out to be a HUGE mistake. The first was about "husbands who cheat and why". The second was people who made the news and where are they now. One of the guests included Elizabeth Smart. The last one, which I could only watch 3 minutes of, was about keeping our children safe. What little I caught was about child molesters and how they are doing horrible things to younger and younger children and posting it on the web. Then they interviewed the people who have to watch these horrible images and catch the predators. Like I said I didn't make it through much because I really couldn't stomach it.
Which brings me to why I did this post. Seth has basically banned me from watching Oprah because of what it does it to me. I don't know if this is normal or not, but I can't separate myself from what I'm watching. And since I tend to watch all of my TV at night, I then can't sleep, because I'm thinking of how evil the world is and are my kids safe, and so forth. After I watched these episodes I went to Seth for reassurance and he tells me "you have to stop watching Oprah it's making you crazy". Thanks Honey, not was I was hoping for. But there is truth in what he said. Because honestly, I'm a big bag of crazy after I watch stuff like this. Especially when the subject is kids being molested. My mind goes crazy thinking up things.
I totally understand why Oprah has these shows. And there really is a lot of good information to be taken from them. It's just I can't watch it. What would work best for me is cliffs notes. If there is someone who would watch it and then tell me about it, that would be great. Any takers?
For now I think I'll have to stick with shows like "The Office" and "30 Rock".
So long for now Oprah.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

10K or bust

I ran in a 10K today. It was a great feeling of accomplishment. My friends and I decided a few weeks ago that we would do it. We've been running together in the mornings and I have to say it's really been fun. I never thought I would do it, so just knowing I finished and wasn't on the sidelines dying was great.
I saw lots of people I knew either running or biking(there was also a 20 mile bike race). Kudos to Sid and Lindsay who did awesome.
I don't like to embarrass my husband, oh wait yes I do. But he left me the nicest note of encouragement this morning. It really helped give me the extra boost I needed. I love you, Sethy! Thanks Amber and Jodie for listening to me when I would get anxiety about running. You guys are awesome! Thanks mom, Barbara, Beth and Chad for coming out to support me. You guys are great.
I've always said I wanted to do a half marathon. So technically that's next. But we'll see...

My cute family
Hooray!!! I finished!!!

The girls after the race

Friday, September 12, 2008

Party on 750 E

Tonight we had a an awesome neighborhood party. I've been wanting to have one for awhile now. We have some great neighbors who have a Christmas party that they've been throwing for over 25 years. So I decided that it was time for the younger crowd to step it up and have one too. I approached my neighbor Candace back in June if she thought this was a good idea. She thought it was, but the only catch, could we have it in her back yard since mine looks awful? (What a thoughtful neighbor I am, not). She agreed and it was a huge success. The older girls painted the little kids faces while the adults talked and ate. It was fascinating for me to listen to stories about what it was like on our street years ago. One of my neighbors has lived on this street for 49 years!!
I've said this before but I really feel so blessed to live on such a great street. I feel safe and very happy. We have great friends and neighbors. Thanks to everyone who came and helped make it possible! some of the younger ladies
the face painters

the men (I can't believe I got a picture of Jenny & Joe!)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Are You Kidding Me #10

I was flipping through a people magazine the other day and saw this lovely picture. It's the nursery for Jennifer Lopez's kids. Are you kidding me? This is so over the top, even for her. Seriously J.Lo we know you have money. What kid would want to grow up playing in there? It looks way to formal. Since I'm not a fan of J.Lo, I don't want to dignify her with any more talk of her out of control nursery. But oh man, I could go on and on with everything that's wrong with this picture. Don't worry I won't.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Soccer Fun

Bella had her first soccer game today. It was awesome! It's hard to say what my favorite moment was. Bella stopping every few seconds to come and kiss Claire on the side lines was good. So was watching the kids kick the ball to the wrong goal. And of course watching the kids kick the ball away from the actual place they were playing. But, I think if I had to choose just one favorite it would be Bella playing alone. Yes, at one point during the game Bella was the team. She is on a team with all boys. Two of them had gotten hurt and two refused to leave their moms, so it was just Bella. It was hilarious! She did a great job and seemed to love every minute of it. She can't wait to play her friend Tanner's team. I think the dads have already started smack talking. Can't wait!

Camden gets baptized

My sweet little nephew Camden was baptized today. I was grateful that Bella could be there and witness something so special. Seth and I had the awesome privilege of teaching Camden's primary class for a year and it was great being with him and watching him grow during that time. He has always been a great example to Bella and today was no different. We love you Cam!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of PreSchool

Bella started preschool today. It was a strange feeling for me. I was excited, sad, scared, & happy all at the same time. She had a great time. I dropped her off at 9:00am and she went right in. No crying or anything. When I picked her up at 11:30am she was so happy and anxious to tell me all about her day. 2 1/2 hours was perfect for me. Claire and I both got naps, I was showered, the house was clean and we were ready to pick her up on time.
We made cupcakes to celebrate going to school and took them around to her friends and our neighbors. What a fun time!

Girls Only/ Boys Only Weekend

The girls and I headed to California for the weekend and had so much fun. The girls were lucky enough to have 2 of their grandma's there, two cousins and their favorite aunt Laura. Bella has been so excited about this trip, before we left she kept saying "no boys allowed". The weekend was filled with shopping, swimming, shopping, eating, shopping, talking, and more shopping. It was great! The only thing that would have made it better, would have been more sleep. But, then I wouldn't have had my girls. Once again I'm reminded that Bella is always happiest with the cheapest simplest things. Her favorite thing we did by far was going to the beach. She could have stayed all day.
Seth spent the weekend in Michigan with his friend Nate. They enjoyed Utah's first win of the season. I thought it was pretty funny when I got a text from him saying he was at the tailgate party seating by, none other than Cindo hatch. He travels across country and hangs out with one of the most die hard Utah fans we know. He and Huggs also had a great time seeing the rock and roll hall of fame and watching a baseball game.
It was so much fun and we're all glad to be home.