Thursday, January 24, 2008

Worst Case Scenario Mom

I can't be the only mom out there who does this. But ever since I was pregnant with Bella I've thought of every horrible thing that could possibly happen to her. It usually starts at night. I'll be trying to go to sleep, and then I start thinking about all these bad things that could happen to my kids. For example, I've thought about my house starting on fire, someone breaking in while Seth is gone, my kids getting kidnapped. I mean seriously if you could be inside my head you would think I'm a crazy person. My latest worry happens with Bella in the water. So now I'm terrified to take her swimming. Oh and when I tell my "oh so supportive husband" about my latest worry, he just says, with a grin, "well you have a few months before summer". Not funny. What is wrong with me? The sad thing is, since I've had Claire my worries have only gotten worse. Am I the only one like this?


Chuck said...

WCS! Yes, you are crazy.

Kathy said...

Amy I am the exact same way. I am always thinking the worst. That is the main reason Jaxon is still in our room. I had major anxiety when I was pregnant too. Good Luck! I hope every thing is good with you guys!

bevany said...

I am totally like this. It drives Mike crazy. Night is the worst for me too...laying in bed thinking of everything that could go wrong. Or if Mike is late getting home, I think of worst case scenario. He thinks I'm crazy. I'm glad I am not the only one.

Kari said...

No, You're not crazy. I think that you are like every other mom out there. I'm always worried that my kids or me or both are going to be in a fatal car crash or that Ryan's plane is going down somewhere over Vegas. But I also think it is MUCH worse when you are pregnant and after you have a baby. I'm sure it will get better soon! Just focus on all the good things and be glad you don't have to leave the house for a while!!!

Unknown said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has these thoughts. You guys are making me feel much better.
Kari- I've totally had the car crash thought, way to many times to count. Although in my thought Bella is with Kenny and I have no control. See what I do to myself?

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Ditto on all that you said. I am crazy crazy crazy that way. I am sure my husband thinks I am neurotic.