It sounded easy enough. I was naive to think I could get everything done in an hour. I won't even say how long it took me, it's too embarrassing. But I did finish. I was able to do butternut squash, carrots, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, raspberries, and pineapples. Once I was done it was gratifying to look at.
Tonight I made three of the meals and they were all good. Seth really liked the "tortilla cigars" (they had butternut squash and carrots), I loved the fruit punch (that had carrots, pineapple, and raspberries) and we all enjoyed the ice cream sandwiches (in the book Jerry Seinfeld says he loves it so much he would request it as has last meal). The crazy thing was you really couldn't taste the vegetables.
All and all I guess it was a success. Now my freezer is stocked with lots of fruits and vegetables that are ready to be added to any of her recipes. But after all that work, and considering that there are so many vegetables I still haven't done, I can't decided if it's worth it.
I am probably a bad mom, but anything that takes any more prep time than a half hour (or a isn't cooked in a microwave) is definitely not worth it. You are very adventurous to try it! Good for you!
ps...how soon is your baby due?
Hey I wanted that book for Christmas too, but didn't get it!
:( So you'll have to let me know how worth it the book is after a while. k? p.s. Isn't your baby due any day now?
My due date is January 14th, but I'm scheduled to be induced on the 11th, which is a week from tomorrow. I had a doctors appoinment today and I'm at a 3, so he thinks I'll start any day. So keep your fingers crossed.
Nikki- I think you'd like the book. I was just annoyed at myself yesterday for everything taking so long. But now that it's done I think it was worth it. I'm going to try more of the recipes this weekend. Plus it's nice to have all the puree's done and frozen.
I got that book too. I haven't tried anything in it yet. Adam says he will be able to taste the veggies but I think I will find out! Good luck starting labor!
Amy! I love that book! Although, I have to admit that I haven't used it in a while. We started putting veggies in everything...hamburgers, waffles, pancakes. Kind of fun to fool the kids! i like to experiment with my own recipes. I think it's worth it! Especially because there is a lot of good info in the book about veggies and fruit and all that. Anyway, love ya tons. Hope you're feeling okay. -- kelli
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