In my last post I said how excited I was to get Seth home. It has been great, but of course nothing ever goes the right way when you have things planned. At least for me anyway. I had places for the girls to go every day this week, and then Bella got sick. And not just a cold, but apparently she was one day away from being hospitalized. She just had a common cold but with her asthma it was a thousand times worse. Her breathing was awful and she just wasn't herself. So I kept both kids home all week since the doctor said Bella was contagious.
Don't ask me how we've made it to Friday. Most days I was beat when Seth came home.
He has been great though. Fixing dinner, going to the grocery store, doing the dishes, and taking care of both sick kids. Yes, Claire got sick too. Of course. Nothing like Bella but she did have a runny nose, and fever.
Now they're both feeling better and Seth is off to Chicago. Just for the weekend, but it feels like much longer when he's gone.
One positive thing is that the kids have a place to go every day next week. Hooray!!!!!
I had a doctors appointment yesterday and a stress test today. Everything looks good. One baby is 4.3 lbs and the other is 3.13 lbs. I seriously can't believe they're going to get bigger. Bella was my biggest and she weighed 7 lbs. So I'm about maxed out on how much I can carry. Also to add to the news my doctor was sharing with me, he informed me he wants me to make it to 38 weeks. I almost started crying when he said. All I could think was, "where in the hell are they supposed to fit"?!!! This came as a shock to me because I thought we were shooting for 36 weeks. I know I need to think about what's best for the babies but some times all I can think about is how hard it is for me to get around and function.
Alright already! Someone should just slap me and remind me how lucky I am to have made it this far and not be on bed rest and how lucky I am that they are doing so well and how lucky I am to have such amazing family and friends to watch my kids and bring us dinner!
So okay, please forgive me for once again having a negative post. I promise I'll be better.