I just finished the book Escape and I can't say enough about it. If you are at all interested in what's going on with FLDS stuff in Texas than I would highly recommended reading it. That said, you should know some of it is hard to take in. There were times I had to stop completely because it was too much. But at the same time it's a real page turner. I won't say too much because I don't want to give it away(although if you watch the news at all, you are watching the end all come together) but after reading it I felt so blessed for the freedoms which we enjoy. I always love reading about women who are empowering and Carolyn Jessop is nothing short of amazing in my eyes. Her story is remarkable.
Everyone I know who has read it has finished it in less than a week. So please give it a try and let me know. I'm dying to hear what people think.
I just finished this as well! So crazy, huh. Another good one is called Shattered Dreams by Irene LeBaron. I am fascinated with this stuff and wish there was some way for me to get involved to help women like Carolyn.
I'm so glad someone has read it! I know it's crazy. I think everyone should read it just to be informed about what's going on. I'll have to cheak out the other one. Thanks
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