Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can't help it! She's like crack to me!

I firmly believe that the first step to getting help is admitting there's a problem. Well here goes.

I have a love/hate relationship with Oprah. I say I can't stand her and I blog about how she bugs me, yet what am I watching every night? Yes, Oprah! I'm so annoyed with myself. I have the DVR set up to record it so every night I check who the guest was and decide if I want to watch it. The other day she had the octuplet woman's dad on. I was so annoyed with many things through out the interview. But, not once did I turn it off. Half way through watching it I realized I have a problem. I know I'm sick of Oprah yet I COULD NOT TURN THE TV OFF!! I know, I need help!


Jenn said...

I have never really gotten into Oprah, but I can see what you are talking about with other things. I used to watch The View (do not ask me why!)but I got so bugged, I had to stop. It was a love/hate, and then it just became a hate/hate!

** Adrian ** said...

I feel for you. I used to be that way with Oprah, too. I'm not sure what changed though 'cause now I can NOT watch her & it doesn't make me cRAzY!! Good Luck getting over her! j/k!!

Liz said...

I just replaced my addiction with another show. ;)

bevany said...

I never watch Oprah but I feel the same way about Ellen...weird I know, but I feel so weird watching her dance around like that.