I missed going trick or treating this year. I stayed home to hand out candy, and to be honest I wasn't looking forward to walking in the cold. That's what dad's are for, and Bella loved going with hers. Seth was also lucky enough to take all of the cousins too. Actually, I don't know how "lucky" he thought that was.
We had a great time at our ward trunk or treat, over the weekend. Bella loved playing with her friends in the back of a van and eating hot dogs and pouring out all their candy into one big pile. Our friends also got in the spirit of Halloween. Rick and Marianne went as a basketball player and cheerleader. Recognize the wig? And Dan and Amber went as superman and wonder woman.
Halloween was so much fun. I feel so thankful to have my little family and I can't wait to have another trick or treater in the family next year!