Sunday, October 3, 2010

Meet Bella's Soccer Coaches.............

A few weeks before soccer started I got a call from someone in the league saying that there was no coach for Bella's team. He was calling all the parents to see if anyone was interested.
Out of guilt I said yes.
When I told Seth I was the coach his response was,
"So you mean I'm the coach."
To which I said,
"Uh yeah. Unless you think I'm going to get out there with the twins and Claire. Then yeah you're the coach".
Don't let Seth's response fool you. He loves being the coach.
Bella loves it too. She was so excited when I told her.
Luckily for us she still thinks we're cool. Please no one tell her the truth. She'll figure it out on her own soon enough.

Coach Brown

Jaci and Bella finally got to play each other. They would have rather stayed on the side playing than play soccer.


Liz said...

That would totally me. I am always volunteering David to do stuff. ;) You guys are cool.

Jenn said...

Good for you both!!! I think that's great that Seth enjoys it!!

bevany said...

Fun for you guys! I bet Bella loves it!

sunshine said...

That's classic! I can totally here Seth saying, " So you mean I'm the coach." Way to go super mom and dad!! Go Bella!!

Beth said...

Oh my heck. I would love to see this!

Chelsea said...

That's so awesome for Seth to do that. I remember when I was her age, it was so fun for my dad to coach me!

So I've been meaning to say this forever ago, but we really had a great time hanging out with you guys last week! Thank you for having us over. I feel so bad showing up late, I hope we didn't come across as extremely rude! We'd love to get together again soon. :)

Brittany said...

Bella will remember that forever and be so grateful for you guys! My dad coached me growing up and I have the best memories of it!

Sissy Jackson said...

THAT is the BEST! I love it! Seth gets EXTRA !!! for that right?