It's true. If you've seen my kids then you know I'm telling the truth.
I mean I can barley do my own hair let alone theirs.
Then irony of irony I got 4 girls. How is that fair?
A few months ago I was discussing this with a friend and she said "oh yeah, I totally understand I'm hair impaired too".
hAiR iMpAiReD!!
That's a perfect way of describing me.
After my friend gave me a word to describe me I was feeling better about my situation and I'll be honest I was using it as an excuse for my lack of hair skills.
All that changed when I was out to dinner with some friends and someone mentioned that you can go on youtube and find videos on how to do hair.
That means I can't use excesses any more.
So this summer I'm challenging myself to learn how to do more than straighten Bella's hair with a straightener or pull Claire's hair up with a clip.
Try not to laught if you see my children at church or the park and they look ridiculous.
Just know their hair (and their mom) is a work in progress.