Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are You Kidding Me #13

FYI Jennifer Aniston:

I no longer care for you. I liked friends, I liked the "Rachel" cut. But I'm sooooo over you! Recently you were quoted in a magazine saying "I don't get why people care (about me), it's none of their @!#? business". Are you kidding me? Really... if you feel like that than why pose for GQ wearing nothing but a tie(I would post the picture, but it falls under what I consider porn). That picture disgusts me. I'm tired of women degrading themselves. I'm also tired of celebrities pretending they "don't like the attention", but then doing anything and everything to get attention.
So, farewell Jen. I'm done with you...and your friend Oprah.


Mike said...

I would concur. Hasta la Pasta Jenny!

Aaaaand I never really was a fan of the little O. Anyone with that much power is going to have to be bailed out by the government sooner or later.

Jenn said...

It is amazing they think they can act that way, when they make their money from people caring about their pathetic lives! She would be nothing and have nothing if people didn't care, so she better be thankful!

Jessica said...

I agree - that picture was NOT cool!

Have I told you I just LOVE your "are you kidding me"

Sid said...

I am with you 100% I no longer watch oprah, and when i saw jen on oprah not too long ago, i decided i no longer liked her either.

Chad and Kristen Milne said...

I thought I had saved your e-mail address. Turns out I didn't...I am looking for you address though.
Thanks Amy!

** Adrian ** said...

Yeah, I've been pretty disgusted with things I've seen/heard about her lately, too. It's too bad...I DID used to like her.

Liz said...

So true. It bugs me that those type of women are the type that all other women look up to and want to be like. Not a fan.

bevany said...

I've never been a fan of Oprah, but have always LOVED Jen. I hadn't heard of or seen the GQ you mentioned until yesterday and I agree with you. If you're a celeb, you should understand people want to know every detail about you. Love you are you kidding me posts. They're my fave.

Sissy Jackson said...


Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

I look forward to your "Just Kidding Me Posts" so much! They always give me a laugh and I can pretty much always ditto what you are saying!

Anonymous said...

I am so with you on this! i can't stand her any more and same with oprah... did you know that oprah said it is ok to tip 10% because the economy is bad?! my heak! for a billionaire, i couldn't believe she said this!