This post is for my cousin Jami and anyone else that cares. She recently did a post called
confessions. I was reading it thinking are you kidding, she's actually telling people these thing. Like the fact she loves high school musical. But as I read it, I really enjoyed it, mostly because it put a smile on my face. So I thought I would do a little
confessing myself. Some of you might also read this and think are you kidding, why is she telling us this, we don't need to know that. But oh well. Here goes.
1. I once had a non-sexual crush on a married 60 year old man I worked with. Yes it's true. He was amazing. He moved to the states from Tonga, learned English, joined the church, got his Masters degree(with the help of his wife) had 11 kids; 6 who served missions and was an amazing mentor to the kids we worked with in jail. The more I think about my crush, I think it was admiration. But it got your attention.
2. I lie. A lot. Some times I don't even notice. Like when I bring you amazing soup and you ask if I made it myself and I say yes. What I mean is I bought it at Marie calendars. It's so bad that a few weeks ago we were at a family thing and I guess I lied about something. When we got home I noticed my mistake and asked Seth why he didn't correct me, he said "Oh I thought it was just one of those things you lie about." Now that's a good husband.
3. I have no fashion sense. It's true. I can some times pull off a good outfit, but most days I'm one step away from wearing white socks and tevas. Which I hear is a fashion fax puo.
4. I usually have more than one treat a day, but I'll tell you I only had one. (see #2)
5. I have a guilty pleasure that I watch on E!. I won't tell you what it is, you might judge me.
6. I didn't like Twlight. If you read my blog over a year ago, you already knew this. And please don't try and get me to read it again.
7. I saw Elton John in concert a few years ago and paid $200 for one ticket. Awesome concert, but what was I thinking blowing money like that?
8. I love doing cross word puzzles. The only other people I know who like doing cross words are my dad and Stanly from The Office. Does that make me a nerd?
9. I hate driving. I'm a horrible driver and I totally admit it. Some day when we find a money tree I'll get myself a driver. Until then I guess I'll be driving.
Man that felt good. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Now the question is, will I still have friends after you read this?