Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ode to Yard Work

Yard work, yard work how I hate you so
with your tall tall weeds that continue to grow
I've been told that you once
Were fit for a queen
Looking at you now
It must be a dream
I've tried to make you look your best
but what do you give me
Just long days with no rest
I'm tired of pretending
that we can be friends
when the truth is I hate you
and wish you were dead


Rick & Marianne said...

So I love the poem...and actually think you have quite the talent for writing. When you told me about your poem, I thought it would be quite depressing I actually got a great laugh!

Anonymous said...

At least you have a house of your own, and get to have yard work...heheheheh!

Unknown said...

true, but noelley I promise if you saw my backyard right now you'd run the other way

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

I would like to ditto that poem. I feel like I have given my yard so much love, only to have it basically kick me in the face. I wish I was rich and could hire someone to do it. ahhh someday!

Sid said...

I agree!!! I don't do yard work- I leave that to the hubby!