Last week my mom showed up unannounced and was actually very pleasant. She called and left a nice message, then an e-mail and then just showed up. I was nervous at first since I never know how things with her will go. But it was fine. She hadn't been here in almost a year.
Then on Halloween night she called and sounded really worried and weird. She was talking fast and saying things like she was worried if we were ok and she was safe and I shouldn't worry. After a little probing she finally said the Bountiful City police were trying to extort money from her and that she'd called the Salt Lake police and they were keeping her safe.
None of it made sense but after we finished talking Seth said to call Carston (a police officer in our ward) and check and see if she really filed a report. It runs out she did and the SL police listened to her story and then suggested she speak with someone from Valley Mental Health. She of course freaked out and walked out.
I decided not to do anything (after a good talk with Linda). Because truthfully she doesn't want my help and probably enjoys this little world she's created.
But then on Monday I got a call from Alden and form the Bountiful City police. Turns out they've been dealing with her for 2 weeks. She had made several calls saying that the shadows in her painting were coming out of the walls and black crows were circling around her apartment. They even went over to check on her. But when they suggested she speak with a mental health person she got mad and wouldn't speak to them.
So I found where she was staying, that day, and talked to her for about 40 minutes. After talking with her I was more convinced that she is so crazy and there's nothing I can do for her unless she wants to get help. She was saying things like Seth is behind all of this. He wants her money and he started this. It was crazy.
Then later that night she called crying and said she's jealous and intimidated by me. She wanted to have lunch the next day so we could talk.
But the more I thought about it the more I realized I can't talk to her until she's ready to be honest with herself and my. So I e-mailed her a very nice letter and basically put everything out in the open. The police stuff, her landlord (Mike Youngberg- how she was late on her rent) getting help. I said it all nice and in a loving way. This was confirmed by Linda. I had her read the e-mail and she said it was very kind and loving.
So as of today she hasn't responded. I doubt she will. But that is fine since we weren't exactly on great terms before.