So this is my year to try and grow flowers.
I have a love hate relationship with them. I love beautiful flowers!
I hate weeds, dead flowers, money spent on flowers and weeds. Did I mention weeds?
This year I am determined that my front and back yard will look beautiful all spring and summer. Am I crazy for thinking I can accomplish this?
The other day I stuck the twins in the stroller and worked on the front yard while Claire played on her bike. And now that we have a totally fenced in back yard I plan to stick the kids back there and work on everything else.
So hopefully by the end of summer I can report back that everything went well.
I can dream, right?
PS If you have any tips I would love to hear them.
I saw you out there, with the twins in the stroller, and I was very impressed!! Good luck to you! If you find any good tips, you should post about them, escpecially the weed control!!
wow, great job! this is going to be our first year attempt, not planning on much success. so i'll be looking for advice as well, pass it along, pretty please!
I've killed all the flowers I've ever planted. Ask the people at the nursery and check the little tags so you don't plant shade plants in the sun and vice versa...or maybe it's too late for that? Other than pointing out the obvious, I have no tips. Good luck!
Go buys lots of packets of zinnias and just throw them everywhere. Seriously you will look like you know what you are doing.
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