Thursday, September 6, 2012


I've never felt pain like this before. I thought going through the pregnancy with a husband cheating on me was hard. But what Kenny is doing now hurts so much more. He has had Bella for 2 weeks and I can hardly stand it. He won't let her use her phone and every time we talk he's right there. When I ask "Is Kenny right there?" she says yes and when I say "Is it hard to talk with him there?" she says yes. Now he's saying he won't bring her back until Friay at 6pm. Which is past his time. If he does that she'll miss the primary ice cream party and walking home with her friends. He cares so little about her. If he cared at all he would let her walk home with her friends and then come get her or something. During his 2 weeks he took her to his work and she just sat there and watched shows on the computer. I hate that he's doing this. He's causing so much pain on everyone. It's hard t take care of the twins and Claire. I feel like I'm in a fog and it's never ending. I don't sleep and I don't eat. I've lost 7 lbs and I'm so tired all the time. The doctor gave me Ambien but it doesn't seem to be helping. He also started me on Prosac. I don't know if that will help. I've never had to take drugs like this and it's because of the stressed caused by Kenny.
I just love my little girl so much!! I want her home. I've never been away from her for so long and it's physically killing me. I don't feel like I can make it,

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