Saturday, May 31, 2014

Girls On The Run 5K

Bella's first 5K! She did such a great job and trained for a long time! We are all so proud of her!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mozy Shoot

Trying to be better about documenting my work stuff. This was a fun shoot for Mozy. Can't wait to see the final edits. We filmed in Park City at the Montage. Beautiful would be an understatement. It was a fun cast and crew!

Friday, May 23, 2014

No more Kindergarten for Claire Bear

Claire was very excited for her end of year program and last day celebration.
She did a great job in the program and many people commented to me that they could see how she books so many jobs. She's a great performer!
Love this girl!

Belle and Claire

 Grandpa and Claire
 Elysia and Claire

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad!!

The girls loved giving dad his new shower mirror for shaving and making breakfast in bed for him!
Happy 36th!
We love dad!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Weekend Fun!

A restaurant was having a grand opening with free fries and games so of course we went! The girls had lots of fun!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day 2014

It's late and I'm so tired but I wanted to make sure I wrote how thankful I am to be a mother! 
I love my children so much more than I ever thought possible. They each bring so much happiness to my life.
Today was a wonderful day. I loved seeing how proud Bella and Claire were of their mothers day presents. Cute Claire hid hers under the bed because she didn't want me to find it before the big day.

As hard as things have been the last 2 years with custody stuff I still feel so blessed. We have been give so much and I am so thankful!

I love being a mom! Thanks to my amazing Bella, Claire, Sydney and Breanna!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Lunch date with mom

Lunch with these two is always fun! Especially when it's at Pace's.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Running Family

We've all been helping Bella get ready for her big race by running at the Bountiful High track a few nights a week. Such a fun family activity. Claire's pretty good too. She can ride her bike almost 3 miles!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Twins, Twins

One night I went to check on the twins and this is how I found them sleeping. I don't know how they still do it! 4 years and they are still mirror images. 
 I had to snap this of them walking into Costco in the rain

Princess Party

Our new favorite dentist had a princess party one Saturday! The girls had so much fun. Claire had more getting her check up in her princess dress. They had so much fun and were pretty worn out.